A 50,000 Foot View of The Global Crisis, By Paul Chefurka

A 50,000 Foot View of The Global Crisis, By Paul Chefurka

We are now well into a global crisis that may mark the end of this cycle of human civilization. In this note I present a summary of what’s going on as far as I can tell, as well as a scenario for how things might develop over the next 75 years or so. The issue is enormous, so an overview like this is inevitably going to be skimpy on details. This is, after all, not an academic journal. However, like every other fact in the known universe, those details are just a Google away…

Helen Caldicott: Fukushima Much Worse Than Chernobyl

Helen Caldicott: Fukushima Much Worse Than Chernobyl

What Dr. Caldicott is trying to impress upon us is that the effects of the radiation “leakage” from this disaster are ones that will not go away in a matter of months, or even years. Some forms of radiation, she says, will last for hundreds of years and will continue to cause various forms of cancer, birth defects, and other health problems for generations to come.

Home Is Where Left And Right Meet, By Sharon Astyk

Home Is Where Left And Right Meet, By Sharon Astyk

What Transition calls “reskilling” – what other people call by other names, including Christian homemaking and radical homemaking, and “doing it like Grandma used to” is actually the reinvention of the most important resource we may have for our future – the restoration of the informal economy. It is a hugely political and hugely important act, being done by multiple ends of the political spectrum at once, and this matters.

Restoring A Ruined Earth: The Heroic Mission of Thomas Berry, By Vincent DeStefano

Restoring A Ruined Earth: The Heroic Mission of Thomas Berry, By Vincent DeStefano

According to Thomas Berry, we are presently hovering on the edge of an immense cultural and existential abyss. He is of the view that only a change of epic dimensions will enable us to successfully navigate our way through the accumulated detritus of a dying industrial civilisation. He proposes that this can only be accomplished by consciously envisioning the task ahead, a task which he refers to as The Great Work . The changes to be made are not so much in our methods, but in our minds and more particularly, in our relationship with the earth’s living systems. The rest will then follow.