She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next? By Frank Bruni

She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next? By Frank Bruni

If America enters the next wave of coronavirus infections “with the wealthy having gotten somehow wealthier off this pandemic by hedging, by shorting, by doing all the nasty things that they do, and we come out of our rabbit holes and realize, ‘Oh, my God, it’s not just that everyone I love is unemployed or underemployed and can’t make their maintenance or their mortgage payments or their rent payments, but now all of a sudden those jerks that were flying around in private helicopters are now flying on private personal jets and they own an island that they go to and they don’t care whether or not our streets are safe,’ then I think we could have massive political disruption.” “Just as we come out of our holes and see what 25 percent unemployment looks like,” she said, “we may also see what collective rage looks like.”

Covid-19 is a a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus, By Paul Levy

Covid-19 is a a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus, By Paul Levy

Recognizing the role of our psyche in all of this isn’t a passive realization, however, but, being a realization that takes place within the psyche itself, simultaneously activates and unlocks the very creative nature of the psyche that we are recognizing. In other words, this realization isn’t abstract, intellectual or theoretical, but rather, is a felt-sense that directly connects us with and helps us access the enormous creative power each of us—knowingly or unknowingly—carries within us. This insight by itself is just the beginning, however, for we are then called to carry and embody our inner realization into the outer world in our own uniquely creative way.  

The Death Of Certainty In A Torrent Of Trauma, By Carolyn Baker

The Death Of Certainty In A Torrent Of Trauma, By Carolyn Baker

Among other things, we may want to simply sign up to become students of uncertainty, or as the Buddhists say, “When you’re falling, dive.” This will require intention and practice. It does not require us to become news anorexics, but it does require us to temper our projections into the future as we practice staying present. This also gives us an opportunity to observe how attached we are to outcomes.

Quantum Medicine For The Coronavirus, By Paul Levy

Quantum Medicine For The Coronavirus, By Paul Levy

The way our world is manifesting—even before the advent of the coronavirus—seems nightmarish beyond belief; add in the global pandemic and the nightmare takes on an even denser seeming reality than before. When I see the truly dire nature of our situation, any talk about global awakening and the evolution of our species seems like utter pablum, the ravings coming from the fevered imagination of someone who is deeply in denial regarding the depth of evil manifesting in our world. And yet, I also see that something is being revealed to us through the darkness that can—in true quantum style, potentially—change everything.

Does Coronavirus Inspire Optimism Or Pessimism? By Paul Levy

Does Coronavirus Inspire Optimism Or Pessimism? By Paul Levy

Consciously holding the tension of the opposites within our own awareness without splitting off and identifying with either of the opposites (either optimistic or pessimistic) is an intrinsic super-hero power that we all possess, knowingly or unknowingly. Interestingly, holding the tension of the opposites is experienced as—and symbolized by—a veritable crucifixion of our limited egoic identity. Is this to be genuinely imitating Christ and, as he counseled his followers to do, to be carrying our own cross?

Harmful Contacts With Our Living Earth And Redoundng Shots Across The Bow

Harmful Contacts With Our Living Earth And Redoundng Shots Across The Bow

Both Ebola and HIV served as early warning shots across the bow of global civilization. Visible signals that the risk of catastrophic emergence of new infectious illness was on the rise. That our harmful contacts with the natural world were the primary source of this rising risk. And that many, many more human souls may be at stake.

Grim Reapers:  How Trump And Xi Set The Stage For The Coronavirus Pandemic, By Laurie Garrett

Grim Reapers: How Trump And Xi Set The Stage For The Coronavirus Pandemic, By Laurie Garrett

But Covid-19 won’t simply disappear if the wealthy world is left to its own devices, manufacturing costly vaccines that are only affordable to fully insured residents of the 30 richest nations on Earth. What we collectively face is the need to execute the largest mass immunization program in world history, deploying teams of vaccinators to every nook and cranny of the planet, rich or poor

A World Upended: Who Are We Going To Be? By Carolyn Baker

A World Upended: Who Are We Going To Be? By Carolyn Baker

Have you been saying it as long as I have? “I wish collapse would just begin so that people would wake up, and we could just get on with it.” Well, here we are. Is this what you were hoping for? Or are you among the “collapsitarians” who have been studying collapse for years and are now saying, “But I didn’t think it was going to look like this.”