Beyond Affluenza And Into The “New Normal”: Carolyn Baker Interviews David Wann

Beyond Affluenza And Into The “New Normal”: Carolyn Baker Interviews David Wann

We are a nation on the edge of a nervous breakdown. We consume two-thirds of the world’s anti-depressants as we battle for position in the economy. Why not just declare a cease-fire with the Joneses we’ve been trying to keep up with? We’ve bought into the notion that if we’re not wealthy, we’re not good enough, which creates horrible stress and anxiety. Why not become citizens again, creating employee-owned businesses and member-owned credit unions that can reduce both killer stress and unnecessary expenses? (Credit unions save $8 billion a year in interest on loans because they are non-profit) Why not invest in community bonds, portfolios and banks and make living returns on our investments?

Stimulus Duds, Bailout Blanks, By Richard Heinberg

Stimulus Duds, Bailout Blanks, By Richard Heinberg

There is no “silver bullet,” no magic solution that will turn back the clock to an era of abundant resources and easy growth. For now, all that governments can do is buy time through further deficit spending—ideally, using that time to build infrastructure that will continue to function in the coming era of reduced flows of energy and resources. Meanwhile, we must all find ways to come out from under a burden of debt that will otherwise crush us. The inherent contradiction within this prescription is obvious but unavoidable.

Oil And Food Prices, By Jason Bradford

Oil And Food Prices, By Jason Bradford

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Several years ago National Geographic magazine published an article on oil that included a stunning photo of mature steer and the barrels of oil needed to grow an animal to that size. I recently went looking for that picture, found it, and post it...
Introduction Excerpt From Navigating The Coming Chaos: A Handbook For Inner Transition, By Carolyn Baker

Introduction Excerpt From Navigating The Coming Chaos: A Handbook For Inner Transition, By Carolyn Baker

In the deepest sense Navigating The Coming Chaos is a handbook for midwifing the birth that is struggling to be embodied through the great death that is erupting, and like any authentic handbook of sacred midwifery, it is at once stringently unsentimental in its facing of the gritty and grueling process of birth, and loving and joyful in its depiction of what could be possible.

Foreword By Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide To Sacred