Is our industrial civilization on the brink of collapse? Is it sustainable? How can you fortify your emotional and spiritual resiliency in preparation for massive change? Do the pending consequences of peak oil and climate change overwhelm you and paralyze you from preparing for physical and emotional survival? Eckhart Tolle speaks of impermanence and non-attachment in The Power of Now. Carolyn Baker, our guest this month, has written extensively about preparing for massive societal change.
On our next teleseminar we will be joined by Carolyn Baker, Ph.D., a former psychotherapist and professor of history and psychology and the author of six books including Navigating the Coming Chaos: A Handbook for Inner Transition. Carolyn has dedicated the past decade to understanding the effects of unprecedented challenges facing humankind in the areas of energy, environment, and economics.
Eckhart Tolle has explored this collapse of ego dominated structures in his writings and the dysfunctional egoic need for more, more, more, or infinite expansion, as the underlying cause. But the ego dominated structures of modern civilization are facing the “wall” of finite resources, and contraction or collapse is inevitable. Preparing emotionally and spiritually for this collapse will be the focus of our conversation with Carolyn.
As Eckhart writes in the Power of Now:
“The cyclical nature of the universe is closely linked with the impermanence of all things and situations. The Buddha made this a central part of his teaching. All conditions are highly unstable and in constant flux, or, as he put it, impermanence is a characteristic of every condition, every situation you will ever encounter in your life. It will change, disappear, or no longer satisfy you. Impermanence is also central to Jesus’ teaching: ‘Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal….’” (pp. 115-119)
This live call-in teleseminar is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th, at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET.
Please join us live for a conscious conversation and to have an opportunity to ask Carolyn, Greg, and Leo your questions about surviving collapse and how Carolyn’s “toolkit” can support you on your journey.
Click here to learn more about the Teleseminar series and to register for the call.