Foreword To "Love In The Age of Ecological Apocalypse," By Craig Chalquist, Ph.D.

Foreword To "Love In The Age of Ecological Apocalypse," By Craig Chalquist, Ph.D.

Beyond offering blueprints and practical examples for crafting and strengthening relationships, every page carries the author’s belief in what Abraham Lincoln referred to as “the better angels of our nature.” Perhaps we would not be in such a dismal state of planetary destabilization if we had figured out how to stop influential cynics from infecting collective consciousness with their pathological lack of faith in human nature. For centuries views of people as inherently greedy, stupid, passive, or warlike have proved most convenient to bullies and racketeers who pass themselves off as world leaders. A more realistic appraisal of human possibilities calls for new kinds of mentoring and leadership charged with creating community at the edge, wherever possible.

Foreword To "Extinction Dialogues," By Andrew Harvey

Foreword To "Extinction Dialogues," By Andrew Harvey

No one who truly reads this book will ever be the same afterwards.  Whether you agree in the end with its drastic and shocking conclusions is, of course, up to you; the very fact that such a book, outlining the case for the coming extinction of life on earth, could be...
Extinction Dialogs, How To Live With Death In Mind, By Carolyn Baker And Guy McPherson, Pre-Order Now

Extinction Dialogs, How To Live With Death In Mind, By Carolyn Baker And Guy McPherson, Pre-Order Now

Extinction Dialogs is a candid conversation between Guy McPherson and Carolyn Baker. The text addresses the scientific research regarding abrupt climate change as well as how humans who grasp the likelihood of near-term human extinction can prepare emotionally and spiritually for the demise of many species on Earth, including ours. Synthesizing scientific and psycho-spiritual perspectives, McPherson and Baker provide a manual for understanding our terminal status and therefore allow this knowledge to shape every aspect of our relationships and behavior in humanity’s last hours.

Robert David's Steele's Stunning Review Of "Collapsing Consciously"

Robert David's Steele's Stunning Review Of "Collapsing Consciously"

This is a 6 star book (my top 10% across the 98 categories in which I read), and I consider it a book to be stunningly effective. At the age of 61 with no pensions on top of a rich life, I have found myself in unemployment over several years, and as this book so powerfully suggests, this may have been the best possible state for me at this point in time. I specifically recommend the book as a gift for any unemployed person, but I also consider it essential reading for any entering class of college students.

Moving Beyond Fear And Into The Joy Of Mindful Preparation, By Burl Hall

Moving Beyond Fear And Into The Joy Of Mindful Preparation, By Burl Hall

Carolyn Baker is such an Edge-Dweller.  She writes “with unrestrained passion and urgency” about navigating the collapse of culture. According to Carolyn, it is no longer a debatable issue that our culture is, indeed, collapsing.  The signs are everywhere, for those with open eyes.  Our ecology, politics, economy, personal and social conditions have all deteriorated.  Our politicians no longer are in hiding regarding who actually supports them.  It is those large-scale corporations, who are nothing less than sociopathic entities that politicians such as Romney, and his counterpart, Obama and the Supreme Court justices, proclaim as “people.”

Transform While There's Still Time, By Craig Comstock

Transform While There's Still Time, By Craig Comstock

In her book titles Carolyn Baker features such scary words as “demise,” “chaos” and “collapsing,” but her goal is mainly soul building. The stressful outer reality is a provocation. In Baker’s daily digest of challenging news (“Speaking Truth to Power”), she welcomes a whole range of “collapse-aware” writers, including those who predict “near-term extinction.” However, her main vision is that, in the course of growing up, humans will construct, sooner or later, a better society, and in any case will live intensely in the present. She is like the stern teacher with a heart of gold.

Breakdown Or Breakthrough? Paul Levy Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

Breakdown Or Breakthrough? Paul Levy Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

Carolyn Baker’s new book Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths for Turbulent Times is a breath of sanity in a world gone mad. Her contemplations are like a much needed multi-vitamin for the psyche that the deeper field of consciousness has secreted so as to compensate our madness. The fact that a book like Collapsing Consciously has arrived in our midst at this time of multiple world crises is evidence that our species is beginning to awaken from our self-created nightmare.

Dmitry Orlov Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

Dmitry Orlov Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

Carolyn Baker’s CollapsingConsciously: Transformative Truths for Turbulent Times is perhaps the most approachable book on collapse you are likely to find. Compared to Jarred Diamond’s Collapse, which weighs in at just over 600 pages, Baker’s is well under 200. And yet in these few pages Baker manages to tackle a topic which Diamond studiously avoids: Whatever shall we do about the fact that collapse is happening all around us right now?

Dmitry Orlov Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

Guy McPherson Reviews "Collapsing Consciously"

The book takes the reader on an emotional and psychological journey. As a result, the journey will be uncomfortable for most Americans. After spending our early years in K-12 indoctrination facilities, we graduate into the incarceration camp known as industrial civilization. Few spend any time or effort contemplating their own roles in the universe. For the most part, teaching and learning focus on skills that further the ongoing omnicide, not intrapersonal intelligence that might lead to personal contentment or a decent sense of community. As a result, one of the two primary audiences for this book is the individual unfamiliar with the concept of intrapersonal intelligence.