Extinction Anxiety, By Randy Morris, Ph.D.

Extinction Anxiety, By Randy Morris, Ph.D.

In order to talk about extinction anxiety I first need to address epistemological anxiety, otherwise, you won’t know if what I am saying to you is a bunch of ‘fake news’ served up by yet another privileged white male. Epistemology is that branch of philosophy concerned with how we come to have knowledge about anything at all. In the age of Trumpism, this is a question about truth and lies. Like the negative space on a painter’s canvas, Trump’s compulsive lying (averaging about five a day since he became President, according to the New York Times) brings into stark relief the question of what truth is and how we come to know it. It raises the question of our own critical thinking skills in assessing the veracity of information sources and our own predisposition to believe false information that reinforces our entrenched positions. Furthermore, Trump has introduced a new form of lying to the political sphere, lying as entertainment

On The Tail Of Enola Gay: What On Earth Am I Doing Here? By Carolyn Baker

On The Tail Of Enola Gay: What On Earth Am I Doing Here? By Carolyn Baker

The Nuclear Age has grown far more lethal and insidious than at the first test of the first bomb at Trinity in Central New Mexico on July 16, 1945. The tens of thousands of nuclear weapons that have been stockpiled by 9 nations around the world will not decrease anytime soon. Meanwhile, more than 400 nuclear power plants on this planet rapidly age and grow more threatening to public health with every passing day. While many organizations and individuals crusade against nuclear weapons and nuclear power, and while we need the voices of people like Helen Caldicott, Harvey Wasserman, and Arnie Gundersen, what this tragedy is asking from us and has been for seven decades is deep, conscious grieving. As “Griefwalker,” Stephen Jenkinson states, what is most needed and where we ultimately find sanity is in becoming skilled practitioners of grief.

Helen Caldicott: Fukushima Much Worse Than Chernobyl

Helen Caldicott: Fukushima Much Worse Than Chernobyl

What Dr. Caldicott is trying to impress upon us is that the effects of the radiation “leakage” from this disaster are ones that will not go away in a matter of months, or even years. Some forms of radiation, she says, will last for hundreds of years and will continue to cause various forms of cancer, birth defects, and other health problems for generations to come.

BREAKING: Flood Wall Fails At Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant

BREAKING: Flood Wall Fails At Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant

Floodwaters surrounded several buildings at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station early Sunday morning after a water-filled wall collapsed. The plant, about 19 miles north of Omaha, remains safe, Omaha Public Power District officials said Sunday afternoon. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is monitoring the Missouri River at the plant, which has been shut down since early April for refueling.

Is The Dramatic Increase In Baby Deaths In The U.S. A Result of Fukushima Fallout? By Janette Sherman, MD and Joseph Mangano

Is The Dramatic Increase In Baby Deaths In The U.S. A Result of Fukushima Fallout? By Janette Sherman, MD and Joseph Mangano

A 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown—U.S. babies are dying at an increased rate. While the United States spends billions on medical care, as of 2006, the US ranked 28th in the world in infant mortality, more than twice that of the lowest ranked countries. (DHHS, CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. Health United States 2010, Table 20, p. 131, February 2011.)

Exclusive: Chris Martenson Interviews Arnie Gundersen: The Dangers of Fukushima Are Worse And Longer-Lived Than We Think

Exclusive: Chris Martenson Interviews Arnie Gundersen: The Dangers of Fukushima Are Worse And Longer-Lived Than We Think

Since the initial days of the disaster at Fukushima, Arnie and his staff at Fairewinds have produced hands down, the most thorough, measured, accurate analysis of the unfolding developments there. A feat made all the more challenging by the frequent lack of information from TEPCO and the Japanese government and media. Now today, Arnie and I will talk about the latest state of the situation at Fukushima, which remains wholly unresolved and it’s quite troubling – we should keep our eyes on it. In addition, we are going to discuss what the important factors are for you to know, as well as what pragmatic preparations those of us who live in or near nuclear installations or countries that have them should really be doing.

NEW: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In Perspective, By Dr. Helen Caldicott

NEW: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In Perspective, By Dr. Helen Caldicott

Because we stand on the apex of the food chain. You can’t taste these radioactive food elements, you can’t see them, you can’t smell them. They’re silent. When you get them inside your body, you don’t suddenly drop dead of cancer, it takes five to sixty years to get your cancer, and when you feel a lump in your breast, it doesn’t say, “I was made by some strontium-90 in a piece of fish you ate twenty years ago.” All radiation is damaging. It’s cumulative — each dose you get adds to your risk of getting cancer. The americium is more dangerous than plutonium — I could go on and on. Depends if it rains if you’re going to get it or not. If it rains and the radiation comes down, don’t grow food, and don’t eat the food, and I mean don’t eat it for 600 years.

Supplements Shown To Prevent Effects of Radiation Fallout

Supplements Shown To Prevent Effects of Radiation Fallout

I begin with information on radioactive fallout and the jet stream. Then, I offer my recommendations in three sections: inexpensive supplements that you should start taking now and continue taking if you are exposed to radiation, supplements that are more expensive and hard to find, and additional supplements that are helpful and not as critical.