Carolyn Baker is a true revolutionary and fore-runner for the emerging zeitgeist of what I have come to call, the Perennialist Movement….a trust built on the foundations of indigenous wisdom and spiritual heritage. She is providing a safe place to have dangerous conversations about uncertain futures, and is our best hope for the societal schizophrenia that is truly the gravest danger to our humanity.

— John Glavis

Emergence Coaching

Undaunted Bookcover

How are you doing today with the upheavals in our world? Catastrophic climate chaos? The virulent rise of authoritarianism? The deep divisions and hostilities between and within nations?

Do you long for a sense of community and direct, caring support for navigating increasing uncertainty and conflict? Are you seeking islands of sanity in a sea of chaos?

Listen to Carolyn's Audio Books

Undaunted Audible Cover
Undaunted Audible Cover
Confronting Christofascism Audible Cover
Love in the Age of Ecological Apocalypse Audible Cover
Collapsing Consciously Audible Cover
Apocalypse Anytime by Carolyn Baker

Apocalypse Anytime

A psychospiritual workbook for navigating the Polycrisis

by Carolyn Baker

In recent years, the term polycrisis has emerged to describe the tangled relationship between myriad crises on our planet and how they invariably intersect to create a predicament that is not solvable but can only be responded to. This book offers a treasure-trove of practical tools for grounding ourselves emotionally and spiritually amid both the long-term crises and the related challenges that confront us moment to moment as we navigate unprecedented events and their invariable consequences. Apocalypse Anytime is the culmination of fifteen years of the author’s writing and research on the demise of industrial civilization and its psychospiritual impact on Earth’s living beings. It offers a life-altering challenge for readers who are willing to accept the assignment. 


Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound

By Carolyn Baker

Will democracy in America prevail, or will it be usurped by a confluence of fascism and evangelical Christianity? In this book, the author traces the history of this unholy alliance and invites those recovering from the influence of fundamentalist religions, as well as the non-religious seeking to preserve the democratic experiment, to excise the toxic influences of religious authoritarianism from politics and personal life. Readers from all backgrounds will be enlightened and inspired by Baker’s clear and incisive snapshot of this defining moment in our history. Writing from her upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian and her years of practicing psychotherapy, she offers a deep dive into the psychology of fundamentalism as well as specific guidelines for healing the wounds of immersion in a subculture of religious domination. Confronting Cristofascism is a practical guide to assessing the influence of religious trauma in our personal and public histories and committing to recover from it in order to become more whole individuals and pro-active citizens. It is required reading for every awake American.

Carolyn Baker is someone who is unafraid to look at the possibility of human extinction and what we as a global community are facing. She also is willing to look at the spiritual and emotional possibilities that this climate and biosphere crisis presents us with. In this interview with Carolyn we discuss approaching collapse as a rite of passage and accepting and working with the grief inherent in these times.

In It For The Long Haul, Explorations on Emotional Resilience With Carolyn Baker

by Good Grief Network | LaUra & Aimee interview Carolyn Baker

Saving Animals From Ourselves

By Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker

This book is based on a belief we both fiercely share: That we are not separate from the Divine, not separate from other humans, and are inextricably interconnected with the Earth community, with a responsibility to protect and to live in humble and grateful harmony with the whole of creation.


Carolyn Baker

Have you ever wished that you could find a course of study that would holistically integrate the perennial wisdom of many spiritual traditions into one curriculum? The Guild for Spiritual Guidance has done just that. A Guild from medieval times to the present day is an organization with a unique purpose and outreach.  Traditionally, the goal was to learn a trade such as masonry or carpentry, to become skilled in this work and, eventually, to pass on the knowledge and proficiency learned to others interested in following a similar vocation. The apprentice was under the tutelage of a Master, who mentored the individual for as long as it took to become skilled. Finally, the apprentices became, over time, Masters for others. To become a member of a Guild with others of the same persuasion brought with it responsibility, respect, and privilege in the community. The tradition of spiritual guidance is, in the West, at least as old as the Desert Fathers who gave “a word” to those who came to seek them in the wilderness. We invite you to explore our curriculum and opportunities for lifelong community support.

Journey To The Promised Land: How A Homeless Stranger Took Me Home…

…a memoir by Carolyn Baker

We all want to live and love more fully, and yet the price of our desire is often steep. Journey to The Promised Land is not just a moving story about reconnection, forgiveness, radical ego-adjustment, and having one’s heart broken open. It is a story of what is possible when we are willing to engage in the inner work of healing the parts of ourselves that obstruct our loving aliveness if we allow the ego to be radically transformed as we remain willing to stay present with and surrender to what in front of us right now. At this extraordinary moment of despair on our planet–at a time when hearts and conversations have become so hardened and polarized, it is crucial that we never shut down and that we continually open ourselves to mystery and miracles.

In this memoir, Carolyn writes with naked honesty and unvarnished vulnerability about relationships with two individuals who could not have been more unlike, yet who served as agents of ego demolition and transformation.

“In this riveting story, we bear witness to an authentic transfiguration of the heart. Carolyn Baker is a fierce warrior of love, showing up for the most challenging and meaningful work there is, and showing us the way home to what all of the spiritual traditions have been teaching us forever: In dying to our false self we are born into boundless interconnection.”

—Mirabai Starr, Taos, New Mexico
Teacher of mystical and contemplative traditions and author of God of Love and Caravan of No Despair

“It is rare to find a teacher who has learned to navigate the space between the prophetic cry of justice and the priestly whisper of mercy.  This vast in between territory requires the sojourner to practice the alchemy of surrender or what Carolyn names as kenosis.  It is only at this kairotic intersection that justice’s sharp sword and mercy’s comforting balm combines to form the golden elixir that our world so desperately needs.  Carolyn’s ongoing pilgrimage to the Promise Land is grounded in relationships of impasse that the less courageous among us would have avoided.  Thank you Carolyn for showing the way home.”

~Rev. Terry Chapman, Pastor of Forked River Presbyterian Church, Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey

“With her engaging and piercing writing,  Carolyn has once again shown us that the particular is the route to the universal, and we all have a responsibility  to attend to our shadow work, for personal health, and indeed the survival of our species.“

~The Rev. Michelle A. Danson Episcopal Priest & Spiritual Director

Andrew Harvey interviews Carolyn About The Book

Carolyn Baker interviewed by Andrew Harvey

Ecopsychology Voices

Carolyn interviewed by Canadian Ecopsychology Network

Resilience and Regeneration

An Interview with Carolyn Baker

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I used to think the top environmental problems facing the world were global warming, environmental degradation and eco-system collapse, and that we scientists could fix those problems with enough science. But I was wrong. The real problem is not those three items, but greed, selfishness and apathy. And for that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.

— Gus Speth

Carolyn Baker has risen phoenix-like from the smoking ashes of many previous selves and psychic deaths, and knows from her own experience how the deepest crises birth the most astounding and transformative possibilities.

— Andrew Harvey

News and Articles

The Death Of Certainty In A Torrent Of Trauma, By Carolyn Baker

The Death Of Certainty In A Torrent Of Trauma, By Carolyn Baker

Among other things, we may want to simply sign up to become students of uncertainty, or as the Buddhists say, “When you’re falling, dive.” This will require intention and practice. It does not require us to become news anorexics, but it does require us to temper our projections into the future as we practice staying present. This also gives us an opportunity to observe how attached we are to outcomes.

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Quantum Medicine For The Coronavirus, By Paul Levy

Quantum Medicine For The Coronavirus, By Paul Levy

The way our world is manifesting—even before the advent of the coronavirus—seems nightmarish beyond belief; add in the global pandemic and the nightmare takes on an even denser seeming reality than before. When I see the truly dire nature of our situation, any talk about global awakening and the evolution of our species seems like utter pablum, the ravings coming from the fevered imagination of someone who is deeply in denial regarding the depth of evil manifesting in our world. And yet, I also see that something is being revealed to us through the darkness that can—in true quantum style, potentially—change everything.

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Does Coronavirus Inspire Optimism Or Pessimism? By Paul Levy

Does Coronavirus Inspire Optimism Or Pessimism? By Paul Levy

Consciously holding the tension of the opposites within our own awareness without splitting off and identifying with either of the opposites (either optimistic or pessimistic) is an intrinsic super-hero power that we all possess, knowingly or unknowingly. Interestingly, holding the tension of the opposites is experienced as—and symbolized by—a veritable crucifixion of our limited egoic identity. Is this to be genuinely imitating Christ and, as he counseled his followers to do, to be carrying our own cross?

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Harmful Contacts With Our Living Earth And Redoundng Shots Across The Bow

Harmful Contacts With Our Living Earth And Redoundng Shots Across The Bow

Both Ebola and HIV served as early warning shots across the bow of global civilization. Visible signals that the risk of catastrophic emergence of new infectious illness was on the rise. That our harmful contacts with the natural world were the primary source of this rising risk. And that many, many more human souls may be at stake.

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Grim Reapers:  How Trump And Xi Set The Stage For The Coronavirus Pandemic, By Laurie Garrett

Grim Reapers: How Trump And Xi Set The Stage For The Coronavirus Pandemic, By Laurie Garrett

But Covid-19 won’t simply disappear if the wealthy world is left to its own devices, manufacturing costly vaccines that are only affordable to fully insured residents of the 30 richest nations on Earth. What we collectively face is the need to execute the largest mass immunization program in world history, deploying teams of vaccinators to every nook and cranny of the planet, rich or poor

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A World Upended: Who Are We Going To Be? By Carolyn Baker

A World Upended: Who Are We Going To Be? By Carolyn Baker

Have you been saying it as long as I have? “I wish collapse would just begin so that people would wake up, and we could just get on with it.” Well, here we are. Is this what you were hoping for? Or are you among the “collapsitarians” who have been studying collapse for years and are now saying, “But I didn’t think it was going to look like this.”

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War Madness In Our Minds, By Paul Levy

War Madness In Our Minds, By Paul Levy

War is an inflammation, an outbreak in the world’s body politic reflecting a deeper systemic disease in the underlying psyche of humanity. In collective events such as wars, we are seeing through a looking glass into the world-soul of humanity as it is being played out—for all who have eyes to see—on the global stage. War is an irrational phenomenon that can’t be stopped or controlled with rational arguments, for its source is the shared unconscious of humanity, which is to say that the roots of war are to be found deep within the unconscious psyche of humanity.

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Where We Are Headed? By Peter Russell

Where We Are Headed? By Peter Russell

And here we are, wondrous beings, with unique gifts and abilities. We are capable of love and deep compassion, an appreciation of beauty, the creation of great art, music, and poetry. We are aware of our history, of how we came to be here. We have studied the world around us, and been awed by what we have discovered. We can imagine the future and choose how we respond. We find meaning in our lives, a sense of justice, and an inner wisdom. There is much to celebrate about us. The question is: Can we celebrate all that we are, while accepting that our species is here but for a brief flash of cosmic time?

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Breaking the Taboos Inhibiting Gaia’s Awakening on Planet Earth, By Zhiwa Woodbury

Breaking the Taboos Inhibiting Gaia’s Awakening on Planet Earth, By Zhiwa Woodbury

And that is what it comes down to now for all of us collectively and for each one of us individually. The great struggle for Gaia’s life. And we humans, as is our nature, will only fight and make sacrifices for the ones we love. That is the way we are wired. All the humans in the world who love life, who love nature, in touch with their own human nature and its divine, umbilical connection to the natural world, are in varied stages of awakening with the searing awareness of Gaia’s trauma

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About Carolyn

Carolyn Baker’s mission is to create islands of sanity in a sea of global chaos. This mission necessitates the development of a variety of emotional tools alongside commitment to spiritual transformation. Through her multi-faceted outreach via webinars, podcasts, live workshops, books, and articles, as well as one-on-one life coaching, Carolyn is touching the lives of thousands to assist them in preparing for the dire consequences of the collapse of industrial civilization and abrupt climate change. One of her principal goals at this time is to expand her teaching outreach online by presenting more webinars and online workshops as well as workshops for live audiences.

Inherited from Mike Ruppert, the New Lifeboat Hour, now in Carolyn’s capable hands, is reaching thousands of people each week around the world as Carolyn engages in conversation with a variety of captivating guests who offer suggestions for creating and operating Lifeboats for navigating our turbulent times.

Hundreds of people have worked with Carolyn in the past five years to receive guidance around living and loving in the midst of global collapse. Carolyn also offers spiritual counseling to provide meaning and purpose in a time of personal and collective suffering. Carolyn is available to individuals who want a companion on their spiritual journey and seek guidance in finding meaning and purpose in turbulent times.

Carolyn believes that one of the key tools we need for navigating the global crisis is solid information. For nearly a decade, Carolyn has published a comprehensive Daily News Digest, seven days per week unless she is traveling. This amazing, subscription-based newsletter contains key stories on economics, the environment, geopolitics, civil liberties, civil unrest, and cultural trends—and contains a unique Inspiration section which reports ways in which people around the world are responding to our planetary predicament.


This website was made possible as a result of a small legacy from the late Richard (Nick) Fyffe who wholeheartedly supported my work and who devoted his last years to justice-making for the LGBT community. In 2011 Nick founded New Wings, an organization dedicated to supporting LGBT individuals who had been influenced by various fundamentalisms and were struggling to integrate spirituality and sexual orientation.