Jan 4, 2011 | Options/ New Paradigm
As long as money accelerates around the planet, divorced from where we live, our befuddlement will continue. As long as the way we invest is divorced from how we live and how we consume, our befuddlement will worsen. As long as the way we invest uproots companies, putting them in the hands of a broad, shallow pool of absentee shareholders whose primary goal is the endless growth of their financial capital, our befuddlement at the depletion of our social and natural capital will only deepen.
Dec 28, 2010 | Carolyn's Articles
Many individuals involved with Transition, including Rob Hopkins, have become fascinated with the work of Christopher Alexander and his development of pattern language. Long before there was a Transition model, Alexander was studying patterns and noticing that any...
Dec 23, 2010 | Local Solutions
ORIGINAL ARTICLE By Juliet Eilperin Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, December 20, 2010; 11:16 PM As 2010 comes to a close, U.S. environmentalists are engaged in their most profound bout of soul-searching in more than a decade. Their top policy priority –...
Dec 8, 2010 | Carolyn's Articles
I read with great fascination, Rob Hopkins’ critical response to Michael Brownlee’s November 26 article “The Evolution of Transition In The U.S.” In it, Rob begins by listing a number of criticisms of Transition in recent years and adds that criticism of Transition...
Nov 29, 2010 | Transition
[Speaking Truth to Power mentioned on Huffington Post. Thank you Craig!–CB] ORIGINAL ARTICLE Can we get beyond denial about peak oil, climate change, and economic troubles as long as we don’t find forms of action open to us? The genius of the...