Podcast: Chris Martenson Interviews Carolyn Baker: Emotional Resilience

To find meaning and purpose, Carolyn advocates a process called ‘inner transition,’ which focuses the individual on answering two questions: “Who do I want to be?” and “What am I here to do?” The process is about redefining our relationship to work, to each other, and to the world around us – in short, redefining what “prosperity” means. For too many in the recent past, prosperity = money. In a future where many current professions and industries may no longer exist, those who respect the work they do – whatever it is – will find much more fulfillment than those remaining fixated on a specific income level that they may not be able to return to.

VIDEO: Emperor Of What?

KMO welcomes Charles Eisenstein back to the C-Realm Podcast to discuss his new book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition. Charles talks about interest and the economic imperatives that it fosters. If the value of money decreased over time rather than growing via interest, then it would be clear to everyone that the best thing one can do with one’s money is to spend it quickly and close to home. In times of chaos and potential collapse, the best way to preserve wealth is to give your money away to those in need. Music by Inspired Flight. (ALLOW ABOUT 30 SECONDS FOR PODCAST TO BEGIN)

VIDEO: Mike Ruppert: The Arrival of The Post-Petroleum Human

VIDEO: Mike Ruppert: The Arrival of The Post-Petroleum Human

“Petroleum Man is dead. Infinite Growth Man is dead. Post Petroleum Human is alive,” announced Michael C. Ruppert on May 22, 2011. Members of this emerging “species” know they must live in balance with the Earth, while remembering the lessons of industrial civilization.