Extinct, Extincter, Extinctest, By Dmitry Orlov
What we are looking at is a human-triggered extinction episode that will certainly be beyond anything in human experience, and which may rival the great Permian-Triassic extinction event of 252 million years ago. There is even the possibility of Earth becoming completely sterilized, with an atmosphere as overheated and toxic as that of Venus. That these changes are happening does not require prediction, just observation.
Humanity Has Never Been Here Before: Earth Passes 1C Of Warming, By Damian Carrington
“This is the first time we’re set to reach the 1C marker and it’s clear that it is human influence driving our modern climate into uncharted territory,” said Stephen Belcher, director of the Met Office’s Hadley Centre, said. “We have passed the halfway mark to the 2C target.”
Earth Changes: Eruptions, Adjustments, And Love, By Jack Adam Weber
When hope is used to reject reality, this is called denial, and denial usually has a darker side than the (fertile and therefore rejuvenating) darkness it initially resisted. When we accept the dark and difficult side of side of life, the experiences that are not rosy and peaceful, we give ourselves an opportunity to undergo transformation, a transformation that can deliver us in earnest to a new level of fulfillment, integration, and therefore healing.
Shifting The Psychology of Climate Change Denial, By Dr. Craig Chalquist
Extinction Dialogs, How To Live With Death In Mind, By Carolyn Baker And Guy McPherson, Pre-Order Now
Extinction Dialogs is a candid conversation between Guy McPherson and Carolyn Baker. The text addresses the scientific research regarding abrupt climate change as well as how humans who grasp the likelihood of near-term human extinction can prepare emotionally and spiritually for the demise of many species on Earth, including ours. Synthesizing scientific and psycho-spiritual perspectives, McPherson and Baker provide a manual for understanding our terminal status and therefore allow this knowledge to shape every aspect of our relationships and behavior in humanity’s last hours.
Global Climate Change: Less Terrifying, More Horrifying, By Matt Owens
We are literally making the planet into a wasteland like this is some post-apocalyptic science fiction story. It is just shocking. And the most horrifying aspect of it all is that we’ve waited to reduce emissions so long that we’re exiting the win-win field of possible climate responses. We’re now headed into a world of lose-lose. That’s the news nobody wants to convey – or hear. But there it is.
Runaway Global Warming: The Non-Disclosed Extreme Arctic Methane Threat, Dr. Malcolm Light
Some individuals have contested articles I’ve published on this site from Dr. Guy McPherson. Here is part of the irrefutable evidence on which he is basing his assertions of near-term human extinction.
VIDEO: Jeremy Jackson: Ocean Apocalypse
VIDEO: Guy McPherson's Climate Change Presentation, DePauw University, Indiana, October, 2013
Guy McPherson presents his latest compilation of climate science, DePauw University, Indiana, October, 2013