— John Glavis
Emergence Coaching
How are you doing today with the upheavals in our world? Catastrophic climate chaos? The virulent rise of authoritarianism? The deep divisions and hostilities between and within nations?
Do you long for a sense of community and direct, caring support for navigating increasing uncertainty and conflict? Are you seeking islands of sanity in a sea of chaos?
Apocalypse Anytime
A psychospiritual workbook for navigating the Polycrisis
by Carolyn Baker
In recent years, the term polycrisis has emerged to describe the tangled relationship between myriad crises on our planet and how they invariably intersect to create a predicament that is not solvable but can only be responded to. This book offers a treasure-trove of practical tools for grounding ourselves emotionally and spiritually amid both the long-term crises and the related challenges that confront us moment to moment as we navigate unprecedented events and their invariable consequences. Apocalypse Anytime is the culmination of fifteen years of the author’s writing and research on the demise of industrial civilization and its psychospiritual impact on Earth’s living beings. It offers a life-altering challenge for readers who are willing to accept the assignment.
Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound
By Carolyn Baker
Will democracy in America prevail, or will it be usurped by a confluence of fascism and evangelical Christianity? In this book, the author traces the history of this unholy alliance and invites those recovering from the influence of fundamentalist religions, as well as the non-religious seeking to preserve the democratic experiment, to excise the toxic influences of religious authoritarianism from politics and personal life. Readers from all backgrounds will be enlightened and inspired by Baker’s clear and incisive snapshot of this defining moment in our history. Writing from her upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian and her years of practicing psychotherapy, she offers a deep dive into the psychology of fundamentalism as well as specific guidelines for healing the wounds of immersion in a subculture of religious domination. Confronting Cristofascism is a practical guide to assessing the influence of religious trauma in our personal and public histories and committing to recover from it in order to become more whole individuals and pro-active citizens. It is required reading for every awake American.
Carolyn Baker is someone who is unafraid to look at the possibility of human extinction and what we as a global community are facing. She also is willing to look at the spiritual and emotional possibilities that this climate and biosphere crisis presents us with. In this interview with Carolyn we discuss approaching collapse as a rite of passage and accepting and working with the grief inherent in these times.
In It For The Long Haul, Explorations on Emotional Resilience With Carolyn Baker
Saving Animals From Ourselves
By Andrew Harvey and Carolyn Baker
This book is based on a belief we both fiercely share: That we are not separate from the Divine, not separate from other humans, and are inextricably interconnected with the Earth community, with a responsibility to protect and to live in humble and grateful harmony with the whole of creation.
Carolyn Baker
Have you ever wished that you could find a course of study that would holistically integrate the perennial wisdom of many spiritual traditions into one curriculum? The Guild for Spiritual Guidance has done just that. A Guild from medieval times to the present day is an organization with a unique purpose and outreach. Traditionally, the goal was to learn a trade such as masonry or carpentry, to become skilled in this work and, eventually, to pass on the knowledge and proficiency learned to others interested in following a similar vocation. The apprentice was under the tutelage of a Master, who mentored the individual for as long as it took to become skilled. Finally, the apprentices became, over time, Masters for others. To become a member of a Guild with others of the same persuasion brought with it responsibility, respect, and privilege in the community. The tradition of spiritual guidance is, in the West, at least as old as the Desert Fathers who gave “a word” to those who came to seek them in the wilderness. We invite you to explore our curriculum and opportunities for lifelong community support.
Journey To The Promised Land: How A Homeless Stranger Took Me Home…
…a memoir by Carolyn Baker
We all want to live and love more fully, and yet the price of our desire is often steep. Journey to The Promised Land is not just a moving story about reconnection, forgiveness, radical ego-adjustment, and having one’s heart broken open. It is a story of what is possible when we are willing to engage in the inner work of healing the parts of ourselves that obstruct our loving aliveness if we allow the ego to be radically transformed as we remain willing to stay present with and surrender to what in front of us right now. At this extraordinary moment of despair on our planet–at a time when hearts and conversations have become so hardened and polarized, it is crucial that we never shut down and that we continually open ourselves to mystery and miracles.
In this memoir, Carolyn writes with naked honesty and unvarnished vulnerability about relationships with two individuals who could not have been more unlike, yet who served as agents of ego demolition and transformation.
“In this riveting story, we bear witness to an authentic transfiguration of the heart. Carolyn Baker is a fierce warrior of love, showing up for the most challenging and meaningful work there is, and showing us the way home to what all of the spiritual traditions have been teaching us forever: In dying to our false self we are born into boundless interconnection.”
—Mirabai Starr, Taos, New Mexico
Teacher of mystical and contemplative traditions and author of God of Love and Caravan of No Despair
“It is rare to find a teacher who has learned to navigate the space between the prophetic cry of justice and the priestly whisper of mercy. This vast in between territory requires the sojourner to practice the alchemy of surrender or what Carolyn names as kenosis. It is only at this kairotic intersection that justice’s sharp sword and mercy’s comforting balm combines to form the golden elixir that our world so desperately needs. Carolyn’s ongoing pilgrimage to the Promise Land is grounded in relationships of impasse that the less courageous among us would have avoided. Thank you Carolyn for showing the way home.”
~Rev. Terry Chapman, Pastor of Forked River Presbyterian Church, Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey
“With her engaging and piercing writing, Carolyn has once again shown us that the particular is the route to the universal, and we all have a responsibility to attend to our shadow work, for personal health, and indeed the survival of our species.“
~The Rev. Michelle A. Danson Episcopal Priest & Spiritual Director
Andrew Harvey interviews Carolyn About The Book
Carolyn Baker interviewed by Andrew Harvey
Ecopsychology Voices
Carolyn interviewed by Canadian Ecopsychology Network
Books by Carolyn Baker
Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World
with Andrew Harvey
Radical Regeneration
with Andrew Harvey
Saving Animals From Ourselves
with Andrew Harvey
Return to Joy
with Andrew Harvey
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— Gus Speth
— Andrew Harvey
News and Articles
Will You Be Diagnosed With Mysticism In 2021? By Carolyn Baker
Many people live contentedly with mysticism for decades, and if you have the condition, it is not recommended that you do anything differently going forward. People can live with mysticism, but only by surrendering to it daily. Resistance to your mystical impulses is contraindicated.
Collapsing Into The New Administration Amid Pandemic Lunacy, By Carolyn Baker
At least once a day I hear someone say, “You can’t make this stuff up” which is yet another way of expressing the incredulity so many of us feel as we witness the cultural madness in which we seem to be suffocating. We have just weathered the most turbulent...
Collapse Changes Everything: Stop Whining For Perfection, By Carolyn Baker
Before and after Joe Biden became President-Elect of the United States, it seems that some so-called Progressives have disavowed all involvement in American politics and directed their efforts, not toward any political candidate, but toward the total destruction of...
The Collapse Of Ideology And The End Of Escape, By Jem Bendell
So what is this ideology that I blame for our predicament and wish would collapse as soon as possible? Why is it so bad? Why did it proliferate and, therefore, what could bring it crashing down? How can we live creatively and meaningfully by consciously freeing ourselves and each other from that ideology?
Top Global Experts Say Humanity Must ‘Heal Our Broken Relationship With Nature’ to Prevent Future Pandemics, Jessica Corbett
We have seen many diseases emerge over the years—such as Zika, Aids, Sars, and Ebola—and although they are quite different at first glance, they all originated from animal populations under conditions of severe environmental pressures. And they all illustrate that our destructive behavior towards nature is endangering our own health—a stark reality we’ve been collectively ignoring for decades. Research indicates that most emerging infectious diseases are driven by human activities.
The United States: An Obituary, By Richard Heinberg
In short, we are living through the fall of a great power. With it will go a unique way of organizing the world. The symbolism of president Trump cowering in an underground bunker beneath the White House in late May couldn’t be plainer.
Reviving Radical Social Work In Collapse, By Desiree Coutinho
Changing times are calling for more radical approaches to social work. COVID-19 is teaching us that resilient social networks are local. After the pandemic broke out in my community, opportunities for resource sharing and communication opened up. Mutual aid support networks emerged, where neighbors post what they need help with, and what they have to offer. I am seeing brilliance, generosity, and creativity. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) backyard garden projects. Mask making and distribution. Bed and breakfasts converted into shelters. Meals for the unhoused. Most of these organizers are not “social workers,” but perhaps this is an indication of the direction social work should be going.
We Are All Being Cooked In The Soup Together, By Paul Levy
To step out of the illusion of thinking we exist as a separate self is to recognize—and be born into—our greater identity (whether we call it the Self, Christ, Buddha, etc.), that includes and embraces everything under the sun. The Self—who we actually are—is simultaneously the source and fruit of life itself, enhancing life beyond measure.
Some Progressives Are in Denial About Trump’s Fascist Momentum, By Norman Solomon
In “How Fascism Works,” Professor Stanley addressed “fascist politics”—and repeatedly used that term when describing the Trump-led Republican Party. For those in the USA who recoil at applying such a phrase to today, preferring to call it hyperbole, Stanley’s book sheds clear light on an insidious process that normalizes and obscures: “Normalization of fascist ideology, by definition, would make charges of ‘fascism’ seem like an overreaction, even in societies whose norms are transforming along these worrisome lines. Normalization means precisely that encroaching ideologically extreme conditions are not recognized as such because they have come to seem normal. The charge of fascism will always seem extreme; normalization means that the goalposts for the legitimate use of ‘extreme’ terminology continually move.”
CORONATION UNVEILED: A Critique and Cure for Charles Eisenstein’s Fairy Tale Pandemic Essay, By Jack Adam Weber
“Coronation” is a story you’d tell a child before bed time, not to adults who need to wake up.
She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next? By Frank Bruni
If America enters the next wave of coronavirus infections “with the wealthy having gotten somehow wealthier off this pandemic by hedging, by shorting, by doing all the nasty things that they do, and we come out of our rabbit holes and realize, ‘Oh, my God, it’s not just that everyone I love is unemployed or underemployed and can’t make their maintenance or their mortgage payments or their rent payments, but now all of a sudden those jerks that were flying around in private helicopters are now flying on private personal jets and they own an island that they go to and they don’t care whether or not our streets are safe,’ then I think we could have massive political disruption.” “Just as we come out of our holes and see what 25 percent unemployment looks like,” she said, “we may also see what collective rage looks like.”
Covid-19 is a a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection – The Wetiko Mind-Virus, By Paul Levy
Recognizing the role of our psyche in all of this isn’t a passive realization, however, but, being a realization that takes place within the psyche itself, simultaneously activates and unlocks the very creative nature of the psyche that we are recognizing. In other words, this realization isn’t abstract, intellectual or theoretical, but rather, is a felt-sense that directly connects us with and helps us access the enormous creative power each of us—knowingly or unknowingly—carries within us. This insight by itself is just the beginning, however, for we are then called to carry and embody our inner realization into the outer world in our own uniquely creative way.
About Carolyn
Carolyn Baker’s mission is to create islands of sanity in a sea of global chaos. This mission necessitates the development of a variety of emotional tools alongside commitment to spiritual transformation. Through her multi-faceted outreach via webinars, podcasts, live workshops, books, and articles, as well as one-on-one life coaching, Carolyn is touching the lives of thousands to assist them in preparing for the dire consequences of the collapse of industrial civilization and abrupt climate change. One of her principal goals at this time is to expand her teaching outreach online by presenting more webinars and online workshops as well as workshops for live audiences.
Inherited from Mike Ruppert, the New Lifeboat Hour, now in Carolyn’s capable hands, is reaching thousands of people each week around the world as Carolyn engages in conversation with a variety of captivating guests who offer suggestions for creating and operating Lifeboats for navigating our turbulent times.
Hundreds of people have worked with Carolyn in the past five years to receive guidance around living and loving in the midst of global collapse. Carolyn also offers spiritual counseling to provide meaning and purpose in a time of personal and collective suffering. Carolyn is available to individuals who want a companion on their spiritual journey and seek guidance in finding meaning and purpose in turbulent times.
Carolyn believes that one of the key tools we need for navigating the global crisis is solid information. For nearly a decade, Carolyn has published a comprehensive Daily News Digest, seven days per week unless she is traveling. This amazing, subscription-based newsletter contains key stories on economics, the environment, geopolitics, civil liberties, civil unrest, and cultural trends—and contains a unique Inspiration section which reports ways in which people around the world are responding to our planetary predicament.
This website was made possible as a result of a small legacy from the late Richard (Nick) Fyffe who wholeheartedly supported my work and who devoted his last years to justice-making for the LGBT community. In 2011 Nick founded New Wings, an organization dedicated to supporting LGBT individuals who had been influenced by various fundamentalisms and were struggling to integrate spirituality and sexual orientation.