Refugees Without Legs: How Climate Change Leaves No Room For 'Invasive Species', By Kollibri terre Sonnenblume
In the Summer of 2012, I met a Shoshone Elder named Finisia Medrano. (The story of that meeting is told in “Postcard from Eastern Oregon: When Planting Food is Illegal”[link: https://carolynbaker.net/2012/09/16/postcard-from-eastern-oregon-when-planting-food-is-illegal-by-kollibri-terre-sonnenblume/]). She has spent decades following the routes and practices of the ancient migratory “Hoop” of the Great Basin Native Americans, harvesting and cultivating wild food seasonally. In so doing, she has safeguarded vanishing knowledge and made invaluable observations of the ecosystems in an area spanning several states. Over that time she has witnessed the undeniable effects of Climate Change.