A Necessary Third Open Letter To Melissa Harris-Perry, By Gary Leupp

A Necessary Third Open Letter To Melissa Harris-Perry, By Gary Leupp

I myself find a certain  continuity between placing people in inhuman prison conditions and raping their identities through metadata surveillance. It’s all bad. But what is your point, Melissa? That because Snowden is exposing (“complaining about”) government surveillance rather than prison conditions he should willingly submit himself to the U.S. prison system?

Edward Snowden: Hero Or Traitor? It Depends On Who You Are, By Gary Stamper

Edward Snowden: Hero Or Traitor? It Depends On Who You Are, By Gary Stamper

With the continuing release of secret files on the NSA’s spying programs on American citizens, spying programs supported in their entirety by the Obama Administration, it appears that the false illusion of Barack Obama as the reincarnation of Jack Kennedy is finally coming to an abrupt and rude end. It’s being assisted by the multiple stress fractures of the economy, joblessness, divisive politics and the growing distrust of government at all levels, ironically called forth by that very government. There’s also the environment and energy, when combined with the above, provides an opportunity to see the administration’s ineptitude at best, and their callous disregard for the constitution at the worst. Now it’s going to get ugly. It’s already getting ugly.

NSA Taps Into Internet Giants' Systems To Mine User Data, By Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill

NSA Taps Into Internet Giants' Systems To Mine User Data, By Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill

The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian. The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program called PRISM, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says.

The Christian Right And The Rise Of American Fascism, By Chris Hedges

The Christian Right And The Rise Of American Fascism, By Chris Hedges

This is an article by Chris Hedges that no major publication will print: This movement will not stop until we are ruled by Biblical Law, an authoritarian church intrudes in every aspect of our life, women stay at home and rear children, gays agree to be cured, abortion is considered murder, the press and the schools promote “positive” Christian values, the federal government is gutted, war becomes our primary form of communication with the rest of the world and recalcitrant non-believers see their flesh eviscerated at the sound of the Messiah’s voice.

All I Want For Christmas Is My Civil Liberties, By Coleen Rowley

All I Want For Christmas Is My Civil Liberties, By Coleen Rowley

Sad, isn’t it, that just one day before Christmas, we have to stand out in the cold and worry about getting another big lump of coal from our politicians?! But unfortunately it’s expected that Obama will sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law right after the holiday. Since that’s the same day the big sales start, few Americans will probably be paying attention to the police state being officially ushered in.

Obama's Most Fateful Decision, By Jim Garrison

Obama's Most Fateful Decision, By Jim Garrison

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, if signed into law, will signal the death knell of our constitutional republic and the formal inception of a legalized police state in the United States. Passed by the House on May 26, 2011 (HR 1540), the Senate version (S. 1867) was passed on Dec. 1, 2011. Now only one man — Barack Obama, a scholar of constitutional law — will make the decision as to whether the Bill of Rights he went to Harvard to study will be superceded by a law that abrogates it.

Where Was Osama Bin Laden On September 11, 2001? By Michel Chossudovsky

Where Was Osama Bin Laden On September 11, 2001? By Michel Chossudovsky

Moreover, the search for Osama protects the real architects of the 911 attacks. While there is no evidence that Al Qaeda was behind the 911 attacks, as revealed by nuerous studies and documents, there is mounting evidence of complicity and coverup at the highest levels of the State, Military and intelligence apparatus. The continued arrest of alleged 911 accomplices and suspects has nothing to do with “national security”. It creates the illusion that Arabs and Muslims are behind the terror plots, while shunting the conduct of a real criminal investigation into the 911 attacks. And what were dealing with is the criminalization of the upper echelons of State.

Recognizing The Language of Tyranny, By Chris Hedges

Recognizing The Language of Tyranny, By Chris Hedges

ORIGINAL POST Empires communicate in two languages. One language is expressed in imperatives. It is the language of command and force. This militarized language disdains human life and celebrates hypermasculinity. It demands. It makes no attempt to justify the...