May 20, 2015 | Emotional/Spiritual
What matters in the story of our human relationships is not whether they lead to “happily ever after” but who and what they make of us. All relationships are our teachers, and this is especially so in a time of societal unraveling.
Mar 19, 2013 | Options/ New Paradigm
As modernity’s brief flight into the stratosphere of the industrial age begins its final descent, those who have not turned away from watching the inevitable hard landing will have few choices, but those who have chosen not to strap on the their oxygen masks and...
Dec 26, 2012 | Transition Coaching
When you know the truth about our predicament and have no one to talk with about what you know, it can be painful. Sometimes when we are surrounded by people who prefer to remain oblivious, we begin feeling crazy and tend to doubt our own truth. Often, this makes it even more difficult to move ahead and prepare for an uncertain future, doing the things we know we need to do. If this describes your situation, consider life coaching. Ask me about Discount Life Coaching Packages. Email me at:
Jan 5, 2011 | Carolyn's Articles
So one of the starting points in a workshop addressing conflicts in a relationship is to explore the history of how the conflict arose in the relationship. Exploring this history isn’t about making anyone wrong or right, but getting clarity on how the people in conflict arrived where they are now.