Beyond The Economic Treadmill And Toward True Well Being, By Michael Abrams

Beyond The Economic Treadmill And Toward True Well Being, By Michael Abrams

The unstated premise of our society is that all of us are born at some level on a socio-economic ladder. Our prime directive is that we must dedicate a substantial part of our waking hours and efforts to climb to higher and higher steps on that ladder. At any step on the ladder we can look down to the comparatively diminished lives we had on the lower steps. And at the very top we–or our descendants–will have attained that perfect Nirvana, the frictionless existence that comes in tandem with virtually limitless wealth.

Slow Money: Reconnecting The Economy to Soil, Biodiversity, and Food Quality, By Woody Tasch

Slow Money: Reconnecting The Economy to Soil, Biodiversity, and Food Quality, By Woody Tasch

As long as money accelerates around the planet, divorced from where we live, our befuddlement will continue. As long as the way we invest is divorced from how we live and how we consume, our befuddlement will worsen. As long as the way we invest uproots companies, putting them in the hands of a broad, shallow pool of absentee shareholders whose primary goal is the endless growth of their financial capital, our befuddlement at the depletion of our social and natural capital will only deepen.

A Circle of Gifts, By Charles Eisenstein

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is “community.” What happened to community, and why don’t we have it any more? There are many...

Education And The New Story, By Arnold Greenberg

Reprinted from COMMON DREAMS There is a new story emerging that is replacing the old story of human existence. The new story is urging us to learn who we are as humans and how to live so we do not destroy the planet. What is the old story and why is the new story so...