Jan 6, 2020 | Articles, Culture, Empire, Geo-Political, Society In Decline, Violence
War is an inflammation, an outbreak in the world’s body politic reflecting a deeper systemic disease in the underlying psyche of humanity. In collective events such as wars, we are seeing through a looking glass into the world-soul of humanity as it is being played out—for all who have eyes to see—on the global stage. War is an irrational phenomenon that can’t be stopped or controlled with rational arguments, for its source is the shared unconscious of humanity, which is to say that the roots of war are to be found deep within the unconscious psyche of humanity.
Dec 3, 2019 | Articles, civil liberties, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, Geo-Political, Resistance, Society In Decline, Tyranny
This is the end of the democracy.
Aug 14, 2019 | Articles, civil liberties, Civil Unrest, Corruption, Economic Meltdown, Geo-Political, Resistance
Wait…wasn’t capitalism supposed to bring freedom and democracy with it? Isn’t that whate every American thinker, economist, pundit, politician argued? Isn’t it why America bombed half the world for capitalism’s sake? So…what happened? Here’s what’s really happening. Capitalism’s imploding into fascism. And now it’s going global. The global economy America built is falling like dominoes. Bang, bang, bang. It’s not a coincidence that China and India are imploding into different kinds of authoritarian-fascism shortly after America did. It is a relationship. China and India were the linchpins of America’s model of global capitalism. They are the two countries that bought into it most heavily after America.And now, my friends, they are paying the price: they are collapsing right along with it.
Aug 5, 2019 | Articles, Carolyn's Articles, civil liberties, Culture, Emotional/Spiritual, Geo-Political, Racism, Resilience, Resistance, Society In Decline, Tyranny, Violence
As I have said many times, for me it matters because how collapse unfolds is just as important as the fact that it unfolds. A fascist dictatorship in any country will cause collapse to unfold in unique ways. My work has always been about educating and fortifying others emotionally and spiritually to cope with collapse more resiliently than we might without specific psycho-spiritual tools. The tools we need to navigate the protracted degradation and destruction of the natural environment where there is little authoritarian repression are different than the tools we need to live in a society where food and water might be rationed or we are imprisoned in a work camp or we are living in a constant state of domestic terror.
Oct 26, 2018 | Articles, civil liberties, Culture, Emotional/Spiritual, Geo-Political, Racism, Resistance, Trauma, Tyranny
Fascism is a political label but, like any such label, it has a psychological foundation. That is, the political behavior of those who are fascists can be explained by understanding their psychology. Of course, all behavior can be explained by psychology but I will focus on the psychology of fascist behavior here.
Aug 22, 2018 | Articles, civil liberties, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, Culture, Empire, Geo-Political, Society In Decline, Trauma, Tyranny, Violence
What do imploding middle classes do? They turn to fascists. Who blame their woes on scapegoats, turning grief into grievance. Fascists promise the downwardly mobile that they will be “great” again — that they’ll rise culturally, triumph socially, be symbolically reborn, and economically renewed. It’s a powerful appeal, to people who, suddenly, are shocked, that they are falling out of what appeared to be a clear blue sky. Who will save them? Who’ll rescue them? To understand fascism, Yyu have to understand that the minds of a large part of this stratum of society simply stop working. Those minds brim over with grievances, hated, imagined enemies, who are persecuting them, victimizing them, who are hunting them into nonexistence, who they need to destroy first, exterminate — not anything resembling coherent thoughts, logical reason, or moral sanity
Aug 1, 2018 | Articles, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, Corruption, Empire, Geo-Political, Society In Decline, Tyranny
It is very strange that the self-styled populist wing of the left is so indifferent to this project.
Jul 18, 2018 | civil liberties, Corruption, Geo-Political, Resistance, Society In Decline, Tyranny
Collusion in real time
Jun 26, 2018 | Articles, Carolyn's Books, civil liberties, Climate Change/Environment, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, Corruption, Emotional/Spiritual, Empire, Extinction, Geo-Political, Grief, Options/ New Paradigm, Racism, Resilience, Resistance, Sacred Activism, Society In Decline, Trauma, Tyranny
In 2016, Andrew Harvey and I published Savage Grace: Living Resiliently In The Dark Night of The Globe. In Chapter 1 of the book, we forecasted essentially what is happening in this moment in terms of the demise of the last vestiges of democracy and human rights on this planet. We chose the image of Kali, the Hindu goddess of creation and destruction as the symbol of our current global predicament. Two years later, we are witnessing a virulent, worldwide embrace of white nationalist, authoritarian rule. Ultimately, Kali seeks to transform the human ego and rational mind and bring us into a more permanent residence in the heart, but the process is often excruciating. Might she also want to transform the image a country or a community has of itself? “This is not who we are.”—Or is it? How shall awake human beings respond? What is our work? What is our calling? How do we reconnect with the authentic sources of meaning in our lives and the web of life itself as totalitarian rule is poised to dominate our consciousness and our countries as we stand on the threshold of the potential extinction of all life on Earth as a result of catastrophic climate change? We will be posting portions of Savage Grace in the coming weeks because it is proving itself to be prescient and empowering in this very dark time.
Jun 18, 2018 | Articles, civil liberties, Collapse of Industrial Civilization, Culture, Empire, Geo-Political, Racism, Society In Decline, Trauma, Tyranny
So the fascist society — which can’t be a democracy, remember — becomes one giant authoritarian exercise is seeing just who these people that are “born better” really are. Who among them is the most cunning, vicious, and ruthless predators of all, the Nietzschean uberman, who can dominate the weak the most savagely? It usually begins like this: can they exploit the weak, the alien, the immigrant, the foreigner, the disabled? Take their wealth and belongings? Kick and punch them down? But it’s a contest now. Who will go further? Soon enough, there is someone willing to put the weak in ghettoes. Then to split up families. Then to put children in camps. And then the unthinkable happens.